Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 Replacement battery SPS Brand

  • Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 Replacement battery SPS Brand

$ 59.00   On Sale with Free Shipping  $ 109.00

Battery supplied by Sigma Batteries for Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 system consists of one 6V 42Ah battery with T2 terminals. T2 terminals are suitable for slow and high rate discharge applications. These batteries are from Sigma Power Systems with Part No.SG06420T2. Each of this battery has a dimension of (6.34x3.43x6.65) inches. The actual weight is about 12.8 Lbs. We only supply batteries and the connecting wires are not supplied. Use the existing wiring hardware to connect the batteries. These batteries are shipped with white plastic terminal covers to protect the terminals during shipping. Remove this terminal covers before connecting the battery to your system. Batteries for Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 supplied will meet or exceed the capacity requirements of the original battery. Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 replacement batteries have the following characteristics.
  • Valve Regulated absorbed glass mat technology
  • Design life is 5 years at 77 F
  • They are rechargeable
  • Low self-discharge
  • Designed for slow and fast discharge applications
  • UL recognized and CE certified
  •  Factory fresh
  • Manufactured at ISO certified factory
  • 1 year warranty
  • Superior Performance
Spent Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 batteries have to be disposed properly as per local and federal regulations. We offer free recycling of spent batteries. Just ship them to us and we will take care of properly recycling them.Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36replacement batteries come fully charged. However, they do have small self-discharge and lose charge. If you are not using immediately it is recommended that you recharge the periodically. Higher storage temperatures cause higher self-discharge and the batteries have to be recharged more often compared to those that are kept at lower temperatures. Always keep the batteries fully charged. Keeping batteries under charged over a long period of time or more frequently will result in loss of life. If you have any additional questions on Teledyne Big Beam 2CL6S36 batteries feel free to call us to discuss with our technical and or customer service personal. We will beat anybody’s advertised price. Buy with confidence.

Type Emergency Light
Vendor Simga Batteries